Our after hours answering service is the affordable, cost-effective solution for companies looking to provide continuous customer support and capture additional sales leads.

No matter what type of business you’re running, you can’t always be available to answer every phone call around the clock. Managing the day to day operations of a company can be complex and sometimes stressful. In order to stay competitive and satisfy customer expectations, even small and medium size businesses must provide a point of contact outside of normal business hours. How can you be available for your customers beyond the normal 9-5 without burning out you and your staff or hiring additional employees? Have MAP Communications after hours answering service take care of your business lines when you leave the office and don’t risk missing another call ever again.
Imagine the trust and confidence your customers will have in your business knowing that they can reach you at any time, day or night. If you are not available, you certainly leave it to chance that the caller won’t wait for your regular business hours and will simply dial your competitor. Out of hours call handling services are all about great live customer support whenever your callers dial so they won’t even think of calling anyone else. We’re always available to provide after hours phone services 365 days a year, because we don’t want you to ever miss an opportunity.
After hours and weekend answering services are also a necessity for international companies or even those with a presence in the United States that do business across our own time zones. Don’t forget, while you are relaxing at home, your customers could still be in the office or just finishing lunch on the other side of the world. Will you be available for your customers in other time zones when they need you most? Plus, life doesn’t happen just between 9am and 5pm. Some of your customers may not be able to reach you during normal business hours, because they are busy with other tasks, and you’ll really stand apart from your competition by having a live person answer calls that are made after-hours. With MAP you’ll be prepared every step of the way.
Our after-hours answering service can hit the ground running by integrating seamlessly with your preferred appointment scheduling tools. Whether you use Google Calendar, Calendly, or Setmore, we adapt your system to ensure continuous, efficient operations. Let us burn the midnight oil and maintain your operations and call overflow, so you can wake up with a calendar full of new appointments.
Fully customized after-hours, evenings, and weekend answering service
The best after hours answering service offers live coverage whenever you leave the office for the evening. They don’t put callers on hold and they ensure your business is in good hands until you’re ready to cover the phones again. Our out of hours call answering team is a group of night owls with a passion for customer service that never sleeps. If your in-house receptionist is like all others and leaves for the day, then you could benefit from an after hours receptionist.
Whichever industry you are in, MAP can create a customized after hours answering service solution for you. Our live telephone answering services for evenings, nights, weekends and on-call situations can be tailored to meet your specific business requirements by developing a dynamic script whereby your callers believe they are dealing directly with your business. It’s just like having a whole team of trained receptionists on your staff, but you only pay for the time they actually spend on the phone with your callers. Want to know what real MAP customers have to say about our after hours messaging service? Check out our after hours answering service reviews.
What are the Benefits of an After-Hours Call Center?
With our after-hours phone answering service, we provide support to customers outside of regular business hours. This ensures that customers can reach assistance whenever they need it, even during evenings, weekends, and holidays. Customers appreciate the convenience of being able to reach a live agent at any time, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.
During peak hours, wait times to speak with a representative can be long. By spreading out call volumes over extended hours, businesses can reduce wait times and improve the overall customer experience.
For businesses operating in multiple time zones or serving international customers, an after-hours call answering service allows them to provide support across different geographical regions, catering to the needs of a diverse customer base. In industries where emergencies can occur at any time, such as healthcare or IT services, having an after-hours call center is crucial for providing timely assistance and resolving critical issues promptly.
There are also financial benefits to consider. Outsourcing after-hours support to a call center can be more cost-effective than hiring and maintaining in-house staff for night shifts. This allows businesses to provide extended support without significantly increasing operational costs.
Industries We Support with After-Hours Call Center Services
Our after-hour answering service is completely customizable, helping clients across industries. We currently support organizations in the following sectors:
- Small Business
- Medical
- Property Management
- Contractors
- Attorneys
- Hospitality
- Emergency Restoration
- Financial
- Franchises
- Education
- Government
- Transportation
- Utility Companies
- Marketing and Advertising
- Telecommunications
- Information Technology
- Salons and Spas
- Fitness
- Non-Profits
Here’s what you can expect from MAP Communications after-hours answering service:
- Highly-trained, professional agents who know your business inside and out.
- Greatly increased availability for staff to help customers.
- Out of hours call answering so phone calls are never mishandled or unanswered.
- A dedicated team who has a passion for customer service.
- Reliable call answering service coverage during evenings, overnight, on weekends, and whenever you step away from the office
- Full access to our call management systems and tracking tools to measure our effectiveness and customer satisfaction.
MAP is based in the U.S. and is available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week to help answer any phone calls. Let our out of hours call handling service be your competitive advantage. Take the pressure off your staff and put it onto your competitors. We want to show businesses that you can provide even greater care to more customers with an effective after hours answering service from MAP.
Why Make MAP Communications Your After-Hours Answering Service?
No matter the hour, our team of trained professionals ensures every caller receives courteous and professional assistance, reflecting positively on your business. With decades of experience in the industry, we have a proven track record of reliability. Your calls are handled promptly and effectively, no matter the time of day or night.
We understand every business is unique, which is why we offer customizable solutions tailored to your specific needs and preferences. Bilingual support means reaching untapped sectors of the market. Best of all, with MAP Communications handling your after-hours calls, you can have peace of mind knowing your customers are receiving high-quality service, even when your business is closed.
Don’t take our word for it, though — sign up for a free trial today and see the MAP difference for yourself!
Here are a few articles if you’d like to read more about our after hours answering service:
Run a 24-Hour Business between Nine and Five with an After-Hours Answering Service
3 Ways an After-Hours Answering Service Builds Business
Signs Your Business Could Benefit From After Hours Phone Support