
Defusing Angry Customers

Dealing with angry customers is one of the trickiest aspects of running a business. Do it right, and you can enhance customer loyalty while protecting your reputation. If you do it wrong and you open your business up to a whole host of problems. It’s critical to remember that when a customer departs from an… Read more »

Best Business Customer Service

Good customer service is the lifeblood of any business. But truly great customer service? That’s something to aspire to and celebrate whenever you come across it. This level of service not only leaves customers awed and appreciative — it can have profound effects on how a company is perceived by the public. Let’s look at… Read more »

Client Retention Tips

Keeping a customer is just as critical as gaining a new customer. In fact, research from Bain and Co. says that a 5 percent increase in customer retention can increase a company’s profitability by 75 percent and Gartner Group predicts that 80 percent of future revenue will come from a mere 20 percent of existing customers. With statistics such… Read more »

Improving Your Customer Service

Customer Service is critical to most businesses, but too often companies miss the mark because they neglect the basics that make customers happy. Here are some ways that you can improve on your already stellar service with simple actions that customers really appreciate. Fast pickup Satisfied customers place more orders – and larger orders —… Read more »

We’ll Work on Your Business – Your Caller’s Experience with MAP

Having a friendly, knowledgeable, receptionist available to promptly greet callers and answer questions makes all the difference. At MAP Communications, our customized answering services for doctors and physicians are tailored to meet the requirements of your office. Let us use our tools and experience to help you provide your patients with excellent service while keeping costs down…. Read more »

Customizing Your Call Center

Handling customer calls is one of the key aspects of running a successful business. Keeping customers happy means that they will stay with your company longer, and could ultimately refer significant amounts of new business over time. Of course, as a company grows, it often becomes unrealistic for existing employees to handing the always-increasing number… Read more »

Outsourcing to Call Centers in the U.S.

Customer service is an absolutely essential part of almost every successful business. For many years, call centers have been one of the most efficient and effective ways to provide customer service, and during the 1990s and early 2000s, it became increasingly popular for companies to outsource their call centers to countries like India, where wagers… Read more »

What Does ‘On-Hold’ Do to Your Business?

From busy holiday rushes to the regular bustle of daily business, if your company is doing well, then you’re fielding calls all day long. But how long are your customers willing to wait to speak with one of your representatives? And what happens when they don’t get the service they want in the time they’re willing to… Read more »

How Often Will a Customer Continue to Call?

The business world is an incredibly competitive place, and no matter how good your product or service may be, someone is always ready to take your customers away from you. That’s why it is so important to be certain that you take excellent care of customers at every interaction. With so much emphasis on ecommerce… Read more »

Creating a Better Customer Experience

Customers have more choices today than ever before, and the proliferation of lightning-fast social media-based communication has made it so that both good and bad news about a company travels quickly. Creating a better customer experience is a win-win for both you and your customer, which means it should be a top priority for any… Read more »