COVID-19 Employee Reporting Hotline Service

Protect your business and employees with a COVID-19 employee reporting hotline from MAP Communications.

woman in a mask reading her temperature on a thermometerIn these uncertain times, there is one thing we know for sure – returning to exactly how things used to be isn’t happening anytime soon. As businesses plan to bring employees back into the workplace, there is no arguing that it should be done in a tactful, careful manner. Employee health concerns alongside a maze of liability issues creates a series of large hurdles. How do you keep your people safe and your company protected throughout the COVID-19 pandemic? This is just one of many new challenges, but it is one that has a reliable solution.

The Solution: COVID-19 Employee Reporting and Tracking Hotline Service

MAP Communications is offering a hotline solution to help businesses that must do everything possible to keep employees safe while the Coronavirus is a threat. This third party reporting and tracking tool also assists in covering business entities from a liability standpoint. Our employee tracking hotline service is a cost-effective way for your company to have employees dial in, answer a few quick questions asked by our discrete call center agents, and determine if each person is cleared to report to work. All responses are logged to a secure online portal for you to access online.

Coronavirus Employee Reporting Hotline – How It Works

This COVID-19 employee hotline service is flexible and fully customizable so you can have it tailored to your purposes, requirements, and preferences. Our team is available 24×7 to answer the phone for employees calling in before any shift.

Here’s an example of how other businesses are using our third party COVID-19 employee reporting hotline:
Prior to every shift (or at a frequency of your determination), each employee you require to do so will dial a special hotline phone number we set up for your business. One of our friendly, professional representatives will ask your employee a series of simple questions like:

  • Have you had contact with someone who has a confirmed case of COVID-19?
  • Do you have a cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing?
  • Do you have a fever, chills, muscle pain or a sore throat?
  • Have you had contact with someone who exhibits symptoms of COVID-19?

If they answer “no” to each question, we instruct them to report to work as they normally would.

If they answer “yes” to any of the questions, we’ll give them further instructions you provide like a stay home order, or who they should contact within your organization for a follow up before they report to work.

Medical Data and Employer Obligations

call center employee providing service for a COVID-19 employee reporting hotlineCDC guidance states that symptom screening is essential to our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Employers need to retain all information gathered regarding employee illness and treat it as confidential medical records. This information must be stored separately from employee personnel files and it should also be secured for privacy protection purposes. Additionally, if an employee has Coronavirus symptoms, employers are encouraged to and should take steps to keep those individuals from entering the workplace.

Please note: We are serious about information privacy. A significant portion of our work occurs in the healthcare sector where it is an absolute necessity to protect personal health data. We handle all our accounts with the same care and sensitivity to ensure privacy and security. The info gathered from your employees is treated with the utmost confidentiality. Only the people with credentials to your secure online account will have access to the details we report. Our work as a third-party provider of hotline solutions has earned us a reputation of trustworthiness that we strive to uphold.

The Benefits of MAP Confidential Employee Tracking Hotline Services

Safety and Productivity

person with tissues, sanitizer, and a cell phoneEmployee health and safety has never been more important. Just one contagious person reporting to work can have a detrimental impact with far-reaching effects. They put the rest of your workforce at risk, which might severely hamper your productivity. Plus, there’s no telling who else could become infected as a result of even a single sick employee. Our Coronavirus employee reporting hotline assists in keeping potential carriers of COVID-19 away from your workplace in order to help ensure your team stays healthy and productive.

Knowing that you are taking their health seriously can also have a positive influence on employee morale. This COVID-19 employee hotline gives healthy people the confidence to come in and get their work done with a lesser degree of concern so they can focus on results.

Human Resources

Your Human Resources department is no doubt swimming in the deep end these days. There are already more than enough difficulties and uncertainties facing HR professionals. In need of an easy win? Our Coronavirus employee tracking hotline is it. This solution removes the headaches associated with employee reporting and makes life easier for Human Resources during this pandemic.

HR personnel and managers already love our employee call out hotline service. This employee call in hotline for COVID-19 is just one more way we are endeavoring to improve the way HR departments and their companies operate.


There’s no reason to beat around the bush, bringing employees back into work during a pandemic has “liability issues” written all over it. It’s more than likely that there will be people who try to put employers at fault for COVID-19 health related matters. This is a reality that companies must face and be prepared to defend against.

As a provider of employee tracking hotline services, we help you record important data and enhance accountability. This form of self-certification for employees means your business has concrete proof that you’re doing everything to the best of your ability to keep everyone safe and healthy. Ward off potential liability issues as well as build bullet-proof documentation of your efforts to provide safe working conditions with MAP pandemic call center services for employee reporting.

Compliance with CDC Recommendations and Government Regulations

The Center for Disease Control has set forth guidelines and recommended steps for businesses to take before re-opening and during the different phases of opening. Among these are ongoing monitoring protocols like:

  • Establishing employee health checks as part of a daily routine
  • Having ill employees stay at home
  • Monitoring absenteeism
  • Setting up emergency communication channels for the workforce

Along with these broad recommendations, state and local governments are going to have their own procedures and phases that businesses must comply with in order to operate. They may look similar to CDC reference points, but will likely provide more guidance and could mandate even stricter communication policies depending on the conditions of the area.

MAP hotline reporting tools can help with these CDC guidelines and other legal obligations to ensure your business is taking the proper precautions to help limit the spread of disease.

Get a COVID-19 Employee Reporting Hotline for Your Organization

Fresh obstacles arise as you bring employees back to work. We are here to help solve these challenges. Our confidential third party Coronavirus hotline solution has become an integral part of the way businesses are updating their best practices. Contact us today to share how your company operates and learn how we can develop an ideal way to help you move forward.