Businesses succeed because of their ability to evolve over time. Entrepreneurs find success in the same way: by never resting on their laurels and always trying new ideas.

These new ideas can come from just about anywhere. Industry trends, business literature and even pop culture can provide inspiration, but networking and conversation with other like-minded entrepreneurs can offer the greatest opportunities to learn. In a perfect world, conversation with such folks would happen daily, but in the life of a busy business owner, such opportunities are limited.
Enter the podcast, the efficient and easy way to listen in on industry experts and learn while you’re on the go. Whether you’re simply sitting in traffic on your way to the office, on an airplane for a business trip, or taking a few minutes to relax and eat lunch, podcasts offer a unique way to stay abreast of changing trends within your industry and around the business world. Because there is a podcast for just about every topic, they allow listeners to hone in on extremely specific subject matter. Finding your entrepreneur podcast niche can provide you with the inspiration you need to constantly challenge yourself and your organization.
Here are five such podcasts to download for your next listening opportunity:
How I Built This
Which entrepreneurs do you most admire? Imagine sitting down with them and asking about how they got their start. That’s exactly what NPR’s Guy Raz does with his show “How I Built This.” Airing both on the radio and via podcast, the show provides a deep dive into some of the best known companies in the world. Take a listen to Airbnb’s Joe Gebbia describe how his side hustle became one of the biggest industry disrupters in the world, or download the episode featuring TOM’S shoes founder Blake Mycoskie sharing his “buy one, get one” model of business. Being a fly on the wall for these conversations can inspire you after a particularly tough day.
The Tim Ferriss Show
Tim Ferriss’ book “The 4-Hour Workweek” has revolutionized the way many small business owners structure their time. Now, his podcast has even more practical advice for busy entrepreneurs who are eager to streamline their day. By interviewing some of the top minds of our time, Tim offers listeners the chance to learn unique tips, tricks and strategies to make their companies more efficient and their free time more productive. Take a listen to Tim’s episode with Noah Kagan, formerly of Facebook. Their conversation embodies what makes the show so great. It brims with life hacks, productivity tips and practical advice that is applicable to entrepreneurs in just about every industry.
Cool Things Entrepreneurs Do
For many business owners, entrepreneurship isn’t just a career, it’s a lifestyle. With that in mind, podcast host Thom Singer has taken it upon himself to investigate the habits of business owners both in and out of the office. Take a listen into the way top entrepreneurs run their companies and their lives. You’ll be inspired and driven to make the changes in your life you’ve been meaning to get to. The episode featuring Socialite Agency’s Erin Gagan is particularly entertaining and useful for anyone curious about harnessing the power of social media but nervous about taking the plunge.
She Did It Her Way
Host Amanda Boleyn aims to inspire women to quit their 9-5 jobs and create the life they dream of with this female-entrepreneur centered podcast. By interviewing a wide range of women business owners about how they started their companies and the lessons learned along the way, Amanda offers practical inspiration for women in need of a little extra motivation. If you’re lacking confidence about the road ahead, “She Did It Her Way” is the pep talk you need to persevere. Entrepreneurs who are fresh into the game will find episode 251 especially valuable, as Amanda discusses the three foundational tasks to perform to set yourself up for success.
The Gary Vee Podcast
Every entrepreneur has heard of Gary Vaynerchuk. The Belarusian mogul has made a name for himself with inspiring live talks, books and YouTube series. These platforms converge with “The Gary Vee Podcast.” By compiling segments from his videos, panel discussions and books, Gary offers easily digestible business advice. Given the sheer amount of information on the internet about a given business topic, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. For a primer on the subject, look no further than this podcast.
Whether you dream of becoming an entrepreneur and need some inspiration, or if you’ve been running your own successful business for years and need to reinvigorate your passion, these experts have the advice you need to push yourself forward. No matter which podcast you decide to listen to, you’ll find that these five options offer uniquely fascinating perspectives on the lives and motivations of our society’s top minds. By standing on the shoulders of giants, you’ll accomplish your own goals a little more quickly and maybe even a little more easily.
With so many great podcasts to check out and so little time, you may find yourself wondering when you’ll have the opportunity to listen to your favorites with so much else on your plate. Well, that’s what MAP is here for. Take 20 minutes out of your day to flip your business calls over to a professional virtual receptionist while you enjoy some lunch and your podcast of choice. Happy listening!
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