Make the Most of Your Staff’s Time With an Answering Service

Free Up Calendars And Make the Most of Your Staff’s Time With an Answering Service

When you’re managing a company, your staff members are your most valuable assets. However, many managers misuse this vital commodity by frequently having staff focus on tasks that are not as important to the ongoing success of the company, or on tasks that are not in their specific area of expertise. One great way to get staff to refocus on what’s most important is to partner with a live answering service to start taking your calls whenever possible.

Most often, the people you have in your business aren’t experts in taking phone calls. Even if they are, there is a good chance that an answering service can fulfill the same function at a fraction of the cost, therefor freeing up the staffs time to do what they do best. In any given company, there are likely to be experts in project management, IT, sales, service and many other specific departments depending on the niche you operate in. Each of these people is highly trained in their field, and when they’re answering the phone to field customer inquiries, especially those that end up on their lines despite not being in their area of specialty, you are not making the most of your staff’s abilities.

On the other hand, the agents at an answering service are trained to offer great customer service over the telephone. They will be provided with a specific script, designed by you, to help project the image of your company that you want clients to identify with your brand. Best of all, they can help take messages and route calls so that everyone in your company only has to deal with the people that actually need their expertise. This type of streamlining can actually make every single aspect of your operations more efficient.

In addition, if you’ve ever answered the phone while in the middle of an important task, you know how hard it is to remember every detail of a conversation. Answering service agents are focused on taking and relaying messages, and ensure that nothing gets missed. Their efficiency is a far cry from scribbling a few notes on a Post-it to remind yourself of the details of an important call while you were busy focusing on your project for the next big deadline.

Another consideration is the amount of time that an outsourced call center solution can save. No client likes to be kept waiting, but there are certain areas, such as trying to get tech support, where people have almost come to expect it. You can make your company stand out from the competition by ensuring that customers never get stuck on hold. An answering service helps make sure that no one spends time on the phones when they don’t have to, getting your clients a faster satisfactory resolution to their call.

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