Seattle Answering Service

MAP Communications: Your Seattle Answering Service Solution

Image of the Space Needle and downtown Seattle in Washington stateIf you want your business to be great, you have to invest in great customer service. Local business owners recognize this and are quickly turning to our affordable answering and virtual receptionist services, as we are Seattle’s preferred professional phone answering service. With MAP, you’ll be amazed at how seamlessly our live, 24/7 Seattle answering service agents can become your receptionist, customer service team, overflow support and more. Worried that your business is too unique for our call answering services? Don’t be! Our highly capable staff has gained valuable experience in a wide variety of industries while providing phone answering services in Seattle for professionals in the fields of medical, law, property management, education, government, contracting and more!

Let’s face it, every business has customers, and every customer has a voice. Without the right resource in place to listen to that voice, you risk losing customers to your competition. Let MAP be the Seattle call center your company can truly benefit from. You’ll wonder why you didn’t get started with us sooner after just one week of being able to confidently rely on MAP to take care of your callers 24 hours a day while you focus on the areas of the business that YOU are uniquely qualified for.

The Real Costs Of Answering Your Own Phones in Seattle

Have you calculated the REAL costs of customer service to your business?

If you haven’t, here are some realities you may want to consider:

Image of Gas Works Park in Seattle Accounting For The TRUE Cost of In-House Employees
The costs of your employees go much deeper than their baseline salary. A company must also take into account factors such as the cost of hiring, taxes, benefits, training and providing equipment. When added together, these factors often represent the greatest cost to any company’s bottom line. Cost conscious companies who seek to avoid this increased level of complexity and expense to their business turn to partners who provide focused solutions to specific problems. MAP Communications is a proven leader in providing local companies with Seattle answering service designed to drive down company costs while increasing the effectiveness of core internal resources who are no longer distracted by phones.

Cost of Employee Efficiency
BASE COST: According to, as of January 30th 2017, the average hourly salary for a receptionist answering phones in Seattle is $14.35 (which is 22% higher than the national average).
SCOPE OF EMPLOYEE EFFICIENCY: A single employee can only handle 1 call at a time, or at best, juggle a few while putting others on hold.
OPPORTUNITY COST: What if a customer gets tired of waiting on hold to connect because you only have 1 receptionist? What about callers that would want to do business with you, but need to reach you after hours? Now you have to factor in lost opportunity costs as well as customer acquisition costs.
SUNK WAGE” COST: What if the phones aren’t ringing? Typically a receptionist gets paid hourly whether the phones are ringing or not. This means you’ll need to consume some of YOUR time to put together supplemental tasks that you manage separately just to get the most out of your resource.

This clearly isn’t an effective use of your company’s dollar. With MAP Seattle answering service, you can pay as little as $55/month for a live virtual receptionist who is on duty for your business 24/7. And you only pay for the time they spend speaking to your callers!

This is about more than just improving your spend on customer service.

This is how your customers expect to be served.

Considering Moving Your Business To Seattle? Learn a bit about the Puget Sound region:

Local Market Advantages
Seattle, WA. is the largest city in the Pacific Northwest with an approximate population of 608,660 residents. This also makes it the largest local market in the Pacific Northwest to do business. If you are looking at the Seattle metro area, there are about 3.4 million residents, making it the 15th largest metro area in the US.

International Import Advantages
Trade to Seattle based companies that involve the transport of international goods, especially as they relate to goods imported by boat from Asia benefit from the advantage this is the sixth busiest port in the US, serving as a major gateway to Asia. This means you can save on each imported shipment since it won’t require expensive, cross-state delivery costs after arriving at the port. Not to mention the benefit of reducing the delivery time of international shipments to your business location.

Seattle Industry Expertise
Depending on the type of business you plan to do here, your company may benefit from the local area expertise. This is obvious for businesses in the coffee industry who can boast that they do business in the city that birthed Starbucks. However, there are other industries we are becoming known as a leader in as well. For example, Seattle has also become a center for “green” types of industry and a model for sustainable development. Other leading businesses in the area include Microsoft and Amazon.

Bottom Line: Using Phone Answering Services Is Just Good Business

Image of Pike Place Market in SeattleMany local businesses require the use of a high quality Seattle outsourced call center and answering services. A live 24 hour telephone answering service is mission-critical for small businesses that want to continue to generate revenue after hours or during the day by way of a virtual receptionist. Having an emergency call center or answering service in the medical profession goes without saying, but having a local answering service as a small business owner is just smart business.

Answering Service in Seattle, WA and the Surrounding Communities

Seattle Area Code: 206

Seattle Zip Codes: 98101 – 98109, 98111 – 98119, 98121, 98122, 98124 – 98127, 98129, 98131 – 98134, 98136, 98138, 98139, 98141, 98144 – 98146, 98148, 98154, 98155, 98158, 98160, 98161, 98164 – 98166, 98168, 98170, 98171, 98174, 98175, 98177, 98178, 98181, 98184, 98185, 98188, 98190, 98191, 98194, 98195, 98198, 98199

We provide live Washington answering services all throughout the state. Here are some other WA markets we serve: Bellevue, Bellingham, Everett, Federal Way, Kent, Spokane, Tacoma, Vancouver, Yakima

Contact us today to learn more about our Seattle Answering Service and Answering and Virtual Receptionist Services!